gobble gobble

     I have a pet turkey. Now, she's very old and the last of the flock from back when we were breeding the things. She's the craftiest, savviest cunningest bird of the bunch and a weird one; e.g. she's a she with a beard. She was a good layer and great mother in her day who fought off foxes and raccoons and dogs and all sorts of vermin to protect herself and her young, but these days she's pretty much nothing but a pain in the 4$$. This time of year she devotes her time to doing her spring thing which, for a turkey hen consists of wanting it. So she clucks and she purrs and she cackles ceaselessly, dawn 'till dusk, in the hopes that a tom will sashay on over and give it to her. All day long.
    So this morning, she's out there doing her thing, when she halts, freezes, then she shrieks and collapses. As she's laying there struggling for breath, head on the chest, I, figuring the end is nigh, try to comfort her. The struggle proceeds for 5 endless minutes when she lifts her head, stands and picks up her spring business where she left off.
     Now, I know what you're thinking and I checked.....no signs of zombie-ism (thank God for that). Nope, she simply decided to carry on for a little while longer.
     Every day's a gift boyz and girlz. Even the rainy ones.


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