Friday Cocktail Time

Yes, once again the weekend is nigh and this calls for drinks. So here's this Friday's cocktail recipe which I call, not unsurprisingly, the Dash:
    1. Pour 2oz. of hard likker into a shot glass. 
    2. Knock it back
    3. Repeat

Yes, it's been that kind of a week.

Of course, if you want to get all creative about it, you can try this version. You may need a partner, but then you only receive half of the curative effects.

So what's the problem so grave that it requires heavy drinking, you ask?
Well,  I'm half bent over in crippling pain due to--and I think this is the correct medical term--a frickin' crick in my back. I have no idea what might have caused it since I've done no heavy lifting aside from producing "content" for this blog. Standing is not so bad and a few of the supine positions are bearable, but the transition between the two is murder.

I'm convinced that sitting 16 hours a day in front of a computer is perhaps not the healthiest pastime and may have had an negative impact on my degraded posture. However, it is sometimes necessary in order to produce such masterpieces as this one. (Fun game: try to guess which part of the site I designed. If you guess correctly, drink one Dash. If not, drink two Dashes.)

That notwithstanding, I suspect that Joan is somehow behind it. I don't know how she got a lock of my hair--perhaps her ninja slaves sneaked into my bedchamber during the night--but apparently she did. Thankfully, there are solutions.


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