Take That, Vlad

Ace has some funny and yet sad yet infuriating yet incisive commentary on the Putin v. Ukraine biz and how the EU dealt with it by not dealing with it, which he opines, was actually a more honest foreign policy than that of the Dream Team Obama Administration. (But not to worry, they're taking the battle to Twitter with selfies. View them, Putin, and tremble.)

I can't figure out how to link to the specific posts, but you can go to to his website and scroll down to "F*** the EU," Revisited and read down from there.

If you want to, I mean. You're not obliged or anything.

UPDATE: figgered it out. Here's post 1. And post 2.

Here's a bit that still has me chuckling:

I Just Got an Email from Winston Churchill... who, surprisingly, approves of Obama's foreign policy.

Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of rising Russia and all the odious apparatus of the KGB state, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight on FaceBook, we shall fight on Instagram and Pinterest, we shall fight and, with growing follower lists and growing Likes, we shall defend our #hashtag, whatever the cost may be.

We shall fight on Twitter, we shall fight on Vine, we shall fight on the Washington Post's op-ed pages and in the New York Times' comment areas, we shall fight in Buzzfeed's gifs; we shall never surrender.

And if, which I do not for a moment believe, this #hashtag or a large part of it were hijacked by trolls, then our social media reach, armed and guarded by the writers at Media Matters and the Daily Beast, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, some miracle should descend upon us in rescue us so we can return, as we much desire, to the #WarOnWomen.

Romney wants to #BanTampons, please retweet.


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