How Not to Train (For the Coming Insurrection)

Let's face it, this could happen to anyone, but the fact is, it happened to him (and he made a video about it and posted it to YouTube), so have at it. First, I'm no expert, but do you really need to train six inches from your target to simulate close quarters shooting? Wouldn't you be better off fixing bayonets at that range? Doesn't he know about the 21 foot rule?

Look again at the assailant printed on the target. He's already got a bead on this guy's forehead. You're pre-hosed dude. Obviously (to me) he'd psyched himself up into a mental life-or-death situation and panicked his finger onto the trigger before he had fully drawn. Jacked his nervous system with a self-adminstered dose of adrenalin.

I consider it utter foolishness to try to teach yourself to quick draw so close--it ain't gonna happen; if you have any chance of survival, any chance at all at that distance, it would be hand-to-hand combat. Take a Krav Maga course or two if you must, but keep your gun holstered and spare your thigh further humiliation.


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