
I'll just give you a minute to get the soundtrack up and running; it's a long song because I know you read slow (slowly, I know).

K. So it was a perfect day, and I mean absolutely f4ck1ng perfect: mid swinging seventies, low humidity, nice breeze, some clouds to break up the blue, all caught up on the chores. So the Lord and Lady Humungus did what they do: ride.

We set out on a remote location for a leisurely ride. But, as so often happens, once you get out there and the excitement starts, things just start happening. So we rode hard and competitive and scared the other riders and yeah yeah yeah.  But our seats were perfect and the horses were hot to go and everyone had a blast.

So we did what any sane people would do: returned home for re-mounts. Off we go on a leisurely cool down run at Rancho Humungus. But...alas....things got crazy, and they built and they built. Again perfect seats, happy horses, racing (in honor of Teh Belmont), adrenaline and heartracers all around. The day genuinely could not have been better, until (and unless you're a moron, you knew there was an until).

The Lady Humungus just lost her mind. She decided to run full speed into a T at the top of a crest with a 90 degree turn left or right into a steep decline. Now the Lady's mount had never done this before and he did his best, but, The Lady made a critical error. That split second of stop/left/right left everybody hanging; her mount attempted to anticipate, lost his footing and went down; The Lady went over the handlebars. Her mount, with nowhere else to go and a ton of stored forward momentum, went over her.

At this point, Lord Humungus had his own drama. Being right behind The Lady, at speed, left me with nowhere to go (we executed a very dangerous jump to the right downhill and got lucky).  Those seconds stretched to days as the horses were collected and calmed and then we waited for movement from The Lady, which we got, weeks later, followed by the long walk home.

Now there's pain and Motrin and struggling to do the dishes ('cause she knows what's good for her - little wifebeater humor there) but nothing was broken and, like they say, any landing you can walk away from is a good one.

Here's the thing, life is short and thrilling if you do it right, and the best you can hope for is to go quick with your boots on and your heart racing doing something you love (or in your sleep, not screaming in terror like your passengers - little bathroom wall humor).  Like Taylor Swift says: "Five to one, baby one in five, no one here gets out alive." This has been another Great Day To Be Alive Moment.


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