
Human interest prologue:

Ah, enjoyed The PIT today. Mrs. Ltd. took off the rare weekday and as it's been rainy all day we spent it inside watching the squalls come and go on the water out front.

Lotsa participation around here, isn't anyone working? That's one of the problems with America now.

Anyway I was doing my little duties on the computer, checking in here intermittently and sharing the content with the Mrs. and she laughed at or with us (I can never be sure which). For lunch I turned an onion, a tomato, garlic, green and orange bell peppers,  mushrooms, mozzarella and eggs into a Frittata and served a slice to her in bed, where she was watching a show on her Fire. That, gents, is how you keep a good woman.

Main feature:

Read this last week:  The Plot was well done, Smith's style is about as good as it gets by my lights, and plenty of a-ha insights. Oh, and the grammar was up to SiS'sstandards.

Now I'm into the sequel and it is equally good so far. No zombies, but those Russians can dish up some colorful brutality on they own.


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