Good For Her

It is patently obvious that no business has ever created a job. Only a vast right wing conspiracy could ever believe, much less promote such fiction.

No business or corporation would even think of hiring workers unless the gummint was there to tell them to, the way it also tells them to donate to Democrat candidates and to kick-back funds as required. In fact, businesses are not necessary at all, merely tolerated, mostly on the basis that they will perform those acts on demand. Which is as it should be in a country like America.

In all fairness, the gummint can and does create jobs with greater ease than businesses and corporations, since it has no need whatsoever to justify those jobs on the basis of profitability. It produces a wealth jobs that produce no wealth. Jobs that are remunerated out of tax income and borrowed money. Jobs that are a burden to the economy and to production but are a great comfort to the BLS, when manipulating the monthly jobs reports. And anyway, to paraphrase Peter Schiff, no one actually wants a job for the sake of having a job. They want the money that the job provides (and need I remind you who prints the money?). Except perhaps for gummint folk. They want power over the people who pay them, along with their wealth.

But you all know that already and that’s not why I burden you with the sound of her voice. It’s to prove that this old, old woman needs a hearing aid in addition to a walker. She claims that, when asked what he did in Washington, Bill replied “I brought arithmetic”, when everyone else clearly heard him say, “ I got lipstick on my d…”


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