I don't have extremely strong feeeelings about same sex marriage. I could discuss it with Ole King Cole without pulling out the long knives. I tend to side more with the 'don't change the meaning of the word' folks, but the Ltd.s have a few gay friends and aren't unduly upset that society is throwing them a bone. (I'm leaving that just for Dash). Worse things are happening. Gays have been around forever ('of course', grandma Ltd. would say, 'so has sin') and aren't going away, so maybe we'd better make our peace and move on. And then I come across this:

I can't make peace with this. If I had a son that was a dignified gay man, I would deal with it. If one of these two was my son, I'd take a long walk on a short pier. All the discussions with our reasonable gay friends are countered by this photo. I live 84 miles from Key West, shouldn't I be inured to this stuff? Somehow this duo celebrating the SCOTUS decision was one rainbow too far.
Pleasant, witty, urbane, sophisticated and gay. Fine. Just tell me you aren't okay with this image of two humans with a Y chromosome. Something is wrong, very, very wrong, with these


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