Seen On The Street in Paris

London Collins

To the imitation zone
  • Label 5 Classic Black Scotch
  • simple syrup
  • lemon juice
  • sparkling water
  • ice

Proportions? What difference, at his point, does it make? Phony cocktailmania has bitten the dust and the only reason to promote this perversion of the delicious Tom Collins (which is made with GIN, nectar of the gods) is to liquidate their stocks of cheap whiskey. But since I only drink cheap whiskey, I'll probably give this one a shot.


Street Word Art

You may recall my disdain for "Street Art" (is the hobo defecating on the sidewalk in front of my place producing Street Fertilizer?), so you will perhaps appreciate this commentary, in which you, Francophones all and Roman Catholics some, will recognize Je vous salis ma rue: "I pollute you, my street" as a contrepèterie* of "Je vous salut, Marie", AKA "Hail Mary".

* A contrepeterie is the inversion of letters or syllables for comic effect. As with the limerick, it is usually salacious, but apparently can also be used to disrespect of the spiritual convictions of certain religious groups that do not behead.


Sidewalk Slam

Saw this vehicle parked out front and I wondered two things:
  1. which of my neighbors was hosting a catch-as-catch-can soirée,
  2. why didn't they invite me?

Regardless of this slight, I was thrilled to discover that you can cater a professional wrestling party and this truck will pull up to the site of your wedding reception or baby shower and set up the whole deal. Saaweeet. But I really only snapped this pic when I noticed teh Humungus lurking back by the ropes.



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