The Elites Don't Want You To Know About this Game Changing Plan

Mark Steyn fleshes out the details in his inimitable style:

Can we make Bruce Jenner the GOP presidential nominee? He seems a sensible sort, as far as one can tell. Most Republicans do their "transitioning" between the November election night and the first "bipartisan" thousand-page omnibus bill the following January. I'd be happy to have a guy who's got it out of the way beforehand. If I understand him correctly, Mr Jenner, after completing his transition, intends to continue dating women. So he would be the first female transgender lesbian president. If that's what it takes to beat Hillary, let's go for it. Real hope, and real change.
As is our custom, your thoughts on this proposition are welcome. As for me, if the choice is Another Clinton or Another Bush, I have only two words for Brucia...


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