Let The LVII Hunger Games Begin

So, I see Rand Paul is Officially In. 
And you know what that means:

  • Racist
  • Sexist
  • Kook
  • Misogynist
  • Opthalmagyst
  • LGBTQQIAAPophobe
  • Nut Job
  • Philanderer
  • Bossy
  • Not A Team Player
  • Out of Touch
  • Wants to kill Grandma
  • Weirdo
  • Hates children and pets
  • Hates aliens
  • Was probed by Aliens
  • Screwball
  • Will destroy the economy
  • Will make a laughingstock of The USA
  • Crackpot
  • Smokes pot
  • ...

And I shudder to think of what the Democrats will say about him.

In other news of shame and betrayal, I happened t see the final episodes of The World At War the other night, a documentary that I remember watching with my Dad On PBS in the 70s. He'd untie his foot-wide tie, loosen his sans-a-belts and kick back in the Naugahyde Barcalounger while I assembled a Revell Messerschmidt 109 model on the floor in front of the TV, while Mom went out to the kitchen to make egg salad sammiches. Ah, sweet nostalgia.

Anyway, here's a part I'd forgotten, although I'm sure Sir Winston will mention it, if I ever get to the end of his mighty tome. After the war, as Britain was losing it's colonies to a global rush to independence, in order to keep the peace--weak and broke as they were-- they enlisted the defeated Japanese forces to police the colonies in Asia. Considering the atrocities the Japs (or Nips, if you prefer: that's more PC) committed during the war, I can barely imagine the outrage of the locals. Mountbatten must have been a Republican.


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