
Belch. I feel like I aged 125 years just in the warching thereof. Which computes, actually, since the thing was 8 hours long and we learn, in the warching, that time expands in proximity to a black hole. Or compresses. Or something. I kinda fell asleep somewhere around there, but boy, was that ever a stinking, black hole o' crapola.

However, there is one truly stellar thing about it: Matt Damon (yes, that Matt Damon). He plays the slimy, cowardly villain to perfection. It's uncanny how he inhabits the role, as if he found something vile deep inside himself, pulled it out of his very soul and flicked it out all over the screen. And the beauty part? He plays a feller named "Dr. Mann" who was--get this--lying the whole time and he faked. the. data! If you're not laughing your a55e5 off over that, go read up on the Mark Steyn vs. Dr. Mann hockey climate stick trial, then come back here and laugh yer a55 off. I'll wait.

Yeah, yeah, that was a spoiler and I gave you no warning but now you won't be tempted in the least to go see the movie so, you're welcome.


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