Not That You Can Choose, But If You Could

#1 or #2?

1. Al Gore's Climate Change Scenario Turns Out To Be Wrong:

a.  Al Gore and the experts he cites, not to mention the technocrats and policy wonks that bought it, are discredited. And embarrassed one would hope although that may be asking too much.

b.  The reputation of the media is (further) trashed due to their claiming Al's version of Climate Change is supported by all scientists except for a few Right-wing crack-pots in the pay of Big Oil.

c.  Watermelonites and Democratic politicians are exposed as raw opportunists.

d.  Democratic voters look like unthinking sheep.

e.   Millions upon billions of articles, e-mails and facebook posts are unearthed and used to mock Gore's true believers. They're called many of the same things they called agnostics and skeptics, albeit with less profanity. At contentious family Thanksgivings they commiserate with the turkey.

f.  The Left loses their very-favorite club for beating on capitalism and small-government enthusiasts. It's their greatest set-back since 1991. They contemplate suicide until they remember they still have Sexism!! and Racism!!

g.   Barack Obama loses credit for the oceans not rising. He does, however, get to keep his Nobel Peace Prize because that was for all the fine work he did ensuring world peace before he became president.

h.  Life on earth continues to flourish.

2. Al Gore's Climate Change Scenario Turns Out To Be Right:

a.  Life as we know it on planet Earth ends.

Which are you pulling for? I mean deep down, in your heart of hearts.


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