Deja vu all over again
You knew this was coming, right? It's interdasting to note a worldwide conformity to what one might call a plan, or program, or playbook. Frintinstince, here's a screenshot from election night programming, where Le Pen 'loses' over a million votes in the course of a half hour, right there in your face. Now, where have I seen that before?
Now, the gaslighters will try to tell you that first screen was an estimation and the following screen reflected the actual, bon fide votes. But no, that's not how they do it and the TV presenter even says as much: the numbers are updated as each precinct posts their tally. Here's the video, it's in French but trust me, I'm a professional. There's also a woman explaining how the last 5 millions votes counted went 100% to Macron, which we know is totally possible since 2 years ago Brandon also performed thusly in a fair and honest election.
Then there's this video, showing a random citizen opening 3 different 'mail-out ballots' (not mail-in-- you receive these, put one candidate's name in the envelope, go in person to the polling place, show your ID and place it into the urn. All on the up and up. Except for the rule that states any defaced or torn ballot is null and void. All three of the Le Pen ballots, from separate, unique mailers have a small tear at the bottom. All in the exact same place, so intentional. Small enough that you might not notice and demand a new, pristine one at the poll. Treeky, treeky Fainchies, so claivour.
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