Pattern Recognition

A tale of two graphs.  This is the one you will see endlessly in the media, signally the start of the feared phase 2 of the dreaded China Virus; widely circulated to prompt... fear and dread. 
It's back! It's spiking! Shut everything down again, run, hide, mask up, mail those ballots!

The graph they won't promote is this one:

And it's the only graph that matters. Remember "Flatten the curve"? Mission accomplished. In fact, (and it pains me to have to explain this since it it obvious even to those with a public school education), the higher graph 1 rises as graph 2 falls, the less lethal this version of influenza* proves to be. I believe that the mortality rate as of this posting is around 0.04% and dropping daily.

So, let's celebrate the rising cases. By all means, increase the testing and uncover every single case. You want to count three different tests on the same person as three different cases? I agree, wholeheartedly. Let's get the mortality rate down to 0.01% in July. We can do it! Remember, we're all in this together.

*They also won't mention that the virus was downgraded on...March 19. That's right, just before the worldwide lock down.


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