Going Galt, Again

No longer making even the slightest pretense of possessing an original thought, I just copied and pasted this in toto from Ace of Spades: (if you are not a regular reader of AoSHQ, "moron" is a term of endearment)

Here are some different suggestions for modern living posted by longtime moron Grump928(C) awhile back:

1 Stop buying stuff
2 Do only what the government directly compels you to do.
3 Pay in cash with a winkwink
4 Cheat the government whenever possible
5 Steal all your entertainment
6 If you know of tax cheating, keep your mouth shut
7 If called to jury, refuse to convict if you think the law unjust
8 Discriminate in all your private dealings, without openly saying so
9 If you see a CoC sticker on a business, go elsewhere
10 Vote against all tax levies, particularly school levies
11 Buy firearms and ammo. It's not simply a just-in-case, it's a good financial investment of small sums when savings are yielding 1/4 of a percent.
So what's driving this? Grump says: "They have laid down the marker, the law means nothing" and "Obeying the law is no longer a matter of ethics or morality but merely a matter of consequences." I liken it to playing a football team where the referees are wearing the uniform of the other team. At some point, you just have to refuse to play.
Under a Hillary administration, I suspect that doing "only what the government compels you to do" would be a full-time job, and "the law means nothing" would reach negative interest rate proportions. So, when does it become moral and ethical to oppose tyranny by practicing lawlessness? Where is that proverbial line in the sand?

Despite the contradiction with point 3 (does he mean so much stuff? useless stuff?) I have no qualms about point 1. In fact, points 1- 3 and 6 - 11. On point 4, I'd say "starve" or "deny" rather than "cheat", preferring passive resistance to active cheating, and on 5 "most" instead of "all"--something somewhere must be worth paying for.

Discuss among yourselves.


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