Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice


Check 'tout boys and girls, "friend" of Pit Heads and token SJW (self-identified), Jennifer Foehner Wells, has "published" a short story. And, get's a ZOMBIE story which, as you know, is a Humungus staple. So, Teh Humungus did his (OR HER) doody, downloaded the Z chronicles from Kindle Unlimited, and opened directly to "The Fall of Percedus", passing over the Hugh Howey story, I might add.
Now Ms. Wells, like any good SJW, makes up a lot of words, of which the reader is forced to divine the meaning from context and intent (so it's kind of a living document), but once you get past that.....This is an excellent short story. It's really good. It fits into the "Fluency" universe and  provides the narrative behind an event or two from the book, and yes, the mighty tentacles of Squid Vicious make an appearance. Zombies in space, kidz, what could be bettah?


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