Oblique Strategies

As we wait for the next shoe to do whatever, I found a link on Drudge yesterday about "Eno: We've been in decline for 40 years, Trump is chance to rethink". Interesting enough story. But that's not the dealio here. I found my way into something Eno developed with another dude in the 70's called Oblique Strategies. It was to help artists in general, musicians specifically, to help "break out of creative blocks".

In college, one design professor encouraged us to, you know, use booze or whatever to help "break through". Well, this led to a night of partying, bars, etc., anything but actually working on a chair design for a few of us.

Anyhow, I'm not a big believer in using stuff to get the creative juices going. Maybe I should be?

Here's a link to the Oblique Strategies website. One strategy listed:

"Use an unacceptable color"

Go forth and break through.....


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