I Firmly Resolve

I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life, Amen.

Well, one out of three ain't bad.

The Humungus is resolving to be.......get this........more indifferent. The Grim Reaper did not come a knockin', but he did task a lesser assistant to visit. Well, the assistant muffed it (it's hard to find good help, even in eternity) and sent a text, but the message did get received.

It would appear that your humble narrator has become too involved, too caring, and that the stress has gotten to him.  So, The Humungus is gonna amend his life.

Our motto for 2015 is the four most important words in the English language: Who Gives a 5h!t?

Since the MOST SIGNIFICANT source of stress is the job, it's time for a career change (is unemployment a career?).  It's amazing what the black market, off the books, under the table job market has to offer. And, no databases to log into, no conference calls and ooooooooooh best of all - no powerpoint.

This has been another great day to be alive moment.
Happy 2015 all y'all.


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